Our Early Childhood Education service encourages rural families to access early childhood education for their children. We work alongside Play Centres, Kindergartens, Playgroups, Kōhanga Reo, and Childcare centres.
Here at Tararua REAP we:
- Value parents as being the first teachers of young children.
- Provide information about local early childhood education and support.
- Offer practical help with positive parenting strategies.
- Provide SKIP information and discussion (Strategies with Kids, Information for Parents).
- Deliver a variety of workshops to playgroups with discussion on child development, and areas of development, e.g. physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social, with links to Te Whāriki, the NZ Curriculum
- Topics for workshops include, science, music, physically active play, art, dough, etc
The Tararua REAP ECE Coordinator can also deliver home-based programmes to meet individual family needs, such as parenting support, child development stages, extension for the child learning (including special needs). Your confidentiality and privacy are paramount to us.
Tararua REAP accepts referrals from Parents, Caregivers, Early Childhood Centres, Government Agencies and Social Service Agencies. Will also refer out to other agencies as requested.

To make a referral or to find out more about Early Childhood Education in the Tararua District contact us.
Phone 06 374 6565
Tararua REAP works in Primary and Secondary mainstream schools, as well as Kura Kaupapa Māori to collaborate with educators, students and whānau for the purpose of creating learning success. We focus on curriculum, professional development and student engagement and provide a range of programmes and services. Tararua REAP manages the Science Resource Library that local schools and teachers can access. The library offers a excellent selection of science equipment and learning aids for schools to enrich and assist the learning process.
These programmes and services include:
- Professional development workshops
- Science resource library
- Māori Education - Kapa Haka & Te Reo tutors.